Friday, October 31, 2008


Domestic violence is a huge contribution to women and homelessness. Often times, when a woman leaves an abusive relationship, she has no one to turn to, and nowhere to go. This is especially the case with women who have so little resources. It is a known fact that there are more shelters for animals than for abused women and their children. I am not against protecting animals, for I have a Cock-a-Poo that I love dearly. It is just my opinion, that more emphasis should be placed on providing for those who need desperately to escape the violence at home.

Many women are sadly turned away, for the shelters they seek are often filled to capacity. If you are homeless, you may find the help that you need on the HUD website at the following link, This link will bring you to a page where you can choose the state that you live in, and locate the resources that are offered there. When I clicked on the link for Georgia for instance, (, it brought me to a page that lists services such as, United Way, Atlanta Homeless Services, Emergency Rental Help, and a host of other services.

In the event that you need legal assistance, when you click on the link for Legal Assistance, you will come to this page, This is the link for The Georgia Law Center for the Homeless. They will provide you with representation for civil matters, and they even visit “homeless shelters, transitional housing, and community kitchens on a regular basis.” And the best news is, their services are “free.” The link for your state will list the names of different organizations, but their services should be similar. Help is available, and HUD partners with other federal agencies that are assisting the homeless. Local organizations in your area will also assist you with food, counseling, and jobs skills programs.

It is true that with all the lay-offs and plant closings that it may be difficult to find a job. But it doesn’t hurt to at least try. I firmly believe in the power of prayer, and God always make a way when there seems to be no way. Your life, and the lives of your children deserve to be much better, and you won’t know if things will turn around for you if you don’t try.

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